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Full details for Other For Sale in Radcliff, Kentucky


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Radcliff Plaza Shopping Center-Radcliff Kentucky This project is a 1950s shopping center being offered as a u201credevelopmentu201d project. The rent revenue does not support the asking price, please read this description thoroughly before making further inquiries. This property has been under the same ownership for seventy years and served as the main location for small businesses in Radcliff Kentucky (just outside of Fort Knox KY) during that time. Due to the age of the building, most rents are below market, but due to the location of the shopping center on the main commercial corridor, the twelve-acre footprint may be suited for a redevelopment project. Multifamily residential or rebuilt storefronts could be lucrative options. The center currently includes twenty-two units: a Dollar General store, a set of mini-storage buildings on land lease, a Cinema on land lease, a free-standing PNC ATM machine on land lease, and one semi-permanent bank trailer on land lease with the rest made up of small businesses. The landscape: The Radcliff Kentucky community is around 22,000 population with an additional daily population at Fort Knox of another 22,000. There is momentum in the commercial corridor (Dixie Blvd) for another redevelopment project with recent ones involving old structures torn down to build a new ALDI, a new JiffyLub, a new car wash, and a prospective Starbucks. Back to listing