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Full details for Mixed Use For Sale in Arapahoe, North Carolina


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Years ago this property also housed a ''store'' where many did business and enjoyed the friendships. Several years after the store closed, it was used as an office building by an accountant. So many possibilities one might want to utilize it as that with some rework... It does have septic and water hook up so it could be a 16th rental lot if torn down. Not sure of the safety of this building, enter at your own risk. At present there is 15 rental spaces with leases in place, expiring at different months. Each has a water hook up and shared septic. If the present trailer were removed at the end of their lease, and with some updates one could make this a park more usable for RV's, motor homes, campers for short term . With the county permission rebuild either a store/ office space etc.... There is a public boat ramp less than a mile from this property. Back to listing