Why use PropertyHeads to list your properties?


If you’re an estate agent or letting agent your properties should be on PropertyHeads.com. PropertyHeads.com is The Property Social Network. It’s where your clients and prospects (and possibly your competitors?) are already discussing their home moving plans.

  • List an unlimited number of properties for free, forever.
  • Receive data rich leads from vendors, buyers, landlords and tenants, all at no cost.
  • No contract. Your properties can go live in 48 hours, and you can leave just as quickly.
  • Join probably the USA's fastest growing property website to grow your business by word-of-mouth online.

To join PropertyHeads we just need your

  • Branch Name
  • Branch Address
  • Branch Postcode
  • Branch Contact Name
  • Branch Telephone Number
  • Branch Email Address
  • Website Address
  • Software Company (for listings)

For multi-branch agents, you may complete the attached spreadsheet.

How does PropertyHeads work?


    PropertyHeads has been designed to provide free leads to agents. And unlike traditional portals – which do a reasonable job delivering buyer and tenant leads – PropertyHeads also encourages ongoing dialogue which helps convert vendor and landlord leads.

    The PropertyHeads social network is an excellent platform for estate and letting agents to really strengthen their brand at the branch level. And yes, we do provide greater local exposure to physical offices relative to online agents.

    Our Agent Onboarding Document walks you through how to make the most of our free services. Agents tend to fall into one of two categories:

    1 - Do nothing. Let us publish your property listings and simply respond to buyer and tenant enquiries like you would on a traditional portal (only PropertyHeads leads are completely free of course).

    2 - Actively grow your business. Invite existing contacts onto PropertyHeads to market to them free from many GDPR restrictions that apply to email marketing. Make new connections. Post interesting and informative content to demonstrate your local property market expertise. Join or form PropertyHeads groups (e.g. Bournemouth First Time Buyers) to help, and maybe win business from groups relevant to your agency. And utilise the tools we have – including Instant Agent messaging, Vendor Property Reviews, and Deal Groups – to provide a more rapid, seamless and transparent means of communication with your clients and prospects.

    If you are using PropertyHeads correctly, we would expect you to experience:

    • Substantially reduced reliance on the traditional (and expensive) property portals
    • Increased number of leads and clients
    • Increased customer life-time value and repeat business
    • Higher levels of client satisfaction (because we give you richer client data and reduce delays in the existing forms of communication)
    • Increased completion rates and reduced completion times when using Deal Groups

We encourage our agent members to help PropertyHeads help you. We request that you put our FREE stickers in your branch windows (click here to request stickers) and use one of the attached logos on all of your marketing materials. Please also include our logo (with a link to PropertyHeads.com) on your website and within your email footer. Following these simple suggestions and inviting clients on to PropertyHeads to review your work will boost the number of free leads you receive.
