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Full details for 1 Bedroom Apartment For Rent in Yeovil


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A one bedroomed first floor flat. The property comprises of one double bedroom, open plan kitchen/sitting room. The property benefits from gas central heating and allocated parking for one vehicle. Available August
Sorry no pets.
Council Tax Band A.
EPC Band C.
Single proefessional only.

A well presented first floor flat situated in Yeovil. The property comprises of one bedroom, open plan kitchen/sittingroom, bathroom. The property further benefits from allocated parking for one vehicle, and gas central heating. Available August. Sorry no pets.
Council Tax Band A.
EPC Band C
Single professional only

The speeds indicated on the checker are the fastest estimated speeds predicted by the network operator(s) providing services in this area. Actual service availability at a property or speeds received may be different. More information.

The table shows the predicted broadband services in your area.
Broadband type Highest available download speed Highest available upload speed Availability
Standard 9 Mbps 0.9 Mbps Good
Superfast 80 Mbps 20 Mbps Good
Ultrafast 1000 Mbps 200 Mbps Good
Networks in your area - Jurassic Fibre, Openreach
Click on a networks name to be directed to a website where you can find out about service availability and how to request a service from them or one of their partners.

Data last updated: June 2024, based on the latest data available to Ofcom.
Provider Voice Data
EE Limited Limited
Three Limited Limited
O2 Limited Limited
Vodafone Limited Limited
5G is predicted to be available around your location from the following provider(s): EE, Three. Please note that this predicted 5G coverage is for outdoors only. Please see the outdoor map of available services to compare coverage.
Data last updated: June 2024, based on the latest data available to Ofcom.
Provider Voice Data
EE Likely Likely
Three Likely Likely
O2 Likely Likely
Vodafone Likely Likely

Charges apply;
Holding deposit; equivalent to one weeks rent (£132.00) this payment will be deducted from the first months rent or paid back to the tenant via bank transfer once referencing has been completed and a tenancy start date agreed. Please see our terms and conditions for more details.
Late payment of rent; 3% above the Bank of England base rate which, after 14 days can be backdated to the day rent was due.
Any alternations/variations to the tenancy agreement; £50.
Early termination fee (with landlords consent) £360.
All charges are inclusive of vat.
Any keys or security devices that are lost during the tenancy will be charged to the tenant.
A property cannot be held in reserve until all relevant monies have been paid.
GTH are members of the RICS client Money Protection Scheme and are also members of the Property Redress Scheme.
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