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Eagle Moor
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The Eagle Moor group is for anybody with an interest in the Eagle Moor property market. It's a place to discuss local property prices, good / bad places to live in Eagle Moor, and local events and issues such as crime, amenities and schools. Get recommendations from Eagle Moor residents for tradesmen and estate agents. And post your own questions and stories about living in Eagle Moor.


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Chester, Cheshire
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Daily Property News UK homes & property round up
Posted 12 hours ago
This Gateshead property has just been reduced
1 Bedroom Flat in Inskip Terrace reduced from £525 to £495 View property
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OurProperty is the property log book site.

It’s where homeowners can organise their property in one place.

It’s a secure store for any relevant documentation such as title deeds, builders invoices, dishwasher warranty, fensa certificates etc.

And a great place to manage household bills and home improvements, and to save money in the process.