Watford is fast becoming a hot spot amongst commuters, being in close proximity to London. It is a town full of character, history and creativity. Over the decade of 2010 to 2019 a total of 46701 houses were sold according to Land Registry data.
Over the decade of 2010 to 2019 a total of 38,747 houses were sold according to Land Registry data.
This article aims to identify some of the key trends that occur in house prices in Watford both in terms of house price brackets, but also how transient each post code area is - in other words, which post code areas had the highest number of house sales.
Watford house price data by price bracket
Chart of Watford house sales price data for years 2010-2019
The decade started off strong with 3588 house sales in 2010. Numbers dropped off slightly in 2019, with just 3389 house sales.
The busiest year was 2012 with 3747 sales in total, closely followed by 2011 at 3634 sales.
At the beginning of the decade and the lower end of the market the cheapest property went for 100k, with 13 properties going between 100k-120k sold during 2010. Fast forward to the end of the decade and just 4 houses sold in that price bracket.
Looking at the more expensive properties, and just 12 properties sold for over £1 million in 2010.
Watford house price data by postcode area
Chart of Watford house price data by post code for years 2010-2019
In terms of transiency, the volume of house sales in a particular postcode district, the WD3 district representing Rickmansworth was consistently the area with the highest number of house sales representing nearly a quarter of all houses sales in the WD postcode area at 3131 sales for the decade.
This can be expected with significant numbers of new build properties becoming available over the last 10 years.
Borehamwood, represented by the WD6 postcode district, had the second highest volume of houses sales at 2521 over the 10 year period.
Real time Watford house price information
If you are interested, you can see what the current selling prices for different types of houses & flats for sale in watford are here on the Propertyheads website, including 4 bedroom houses for sale, 1 bedroom flats for sale and also houses and flats to rent.
We also have a number of Watford estate agents who are available to chat through your property needs using our innovative messaging facility.
Added: June 16, 2020 07:59:00