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Make smarter property choices with... Thousands of properties exclusive to PropertyHeads, hundreds of property owner reviews, and our unique property compare tool
154,321 Properties for sale
£234,654 Average sale price
191,876 Properties to rent
$1,326/mo Average rent price
Figures do not include Early Bird properties & other Off Market opportunities that agents share with their PropertyHeads connections exclusively on our social network
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Promote your properties and business instantly and for free. Supercharge your listings with reviews, high quality leads, and more.
  • List an unlimited number of properties for FREE, FOREVER.
  • Harness the power of OWNER PROPERTY REVIEWS. Both Google and PropertyHeads will direct more users to listings with reviews.
  • Use DEAL GROUPS to significantly improve sales progression and boost completion rates
  • GROW YOUR BUSINESS with increased word-of-mouth recommendations and repeat customers.
  • Use our unique buyer and tenant profiles and timelines to help prioritise SEROUS BUYERS and TENANTS
  • Agent profiles and posting great content allow you to MARKET YOUR WHOLE BUSINESS, not just your property listings.
Everyone says your home is most likely the biggest investment of your life. PropertyHeads allows you to connect and collaborate with people that can assist you at every step.
  • Find properties BEFORE they come on the market. Get amazing insights from our unique seller property reviews.
  • Compare properties on a like-for-like basis using price per square metre and our compare property screen.
  • Dual search. Ideal if you're unsure whether to buy or rent, or if evaluating a BTL purchase.
  • Use your PropertyHeads profile to showcase to agents and sellers that you're a serious buyer.
  • Easily share prospective properties with family, your builder, or mortgage broker. Use deal groups to help your deal go through smoothly.
PropertyHeads has been designed to provide free leads to agents. Whether selling your home or cashing in on an investment - we help you sell your property for the best price safely and efficiently.
  • Get your agent to list your property for FREE.
  • Complete a SELLER PROPERTY REVIEW to showcase what you love about your home. Research has shown countless times that products with reviews sell faster and at a higher price.
  • Easily SHARE your property with friends and colleagues. Your buyer may know somebody you know
  • Use your PropertyHeads profile to showcase to agents and sellers that you're a serious buyer.
  • Use DEAL GROUPS to help your deal go through smoothly
Looking for a place to rent for you or a mate? We have the tools you need - so you can focus on what's important.
  • Find rental properties before they come to market, and get amazing insights from our unique LANDLORD PROPERTY REVIEWS.
  • Compare properties on a like-for-like basis using RENT PER SQUARE METRE and our COMPARE PROPERTY screen.
  • Easily share prospective properties with family or flat mate
  • Dual Search. Ideal if you're unsure whether to rent or buy.
  • Use your PropertyHeads PROFILE to showcase to agents/landlords that you're a serious tenant.
Empower yourself with free listings. Unparalleled networking, dynamic leads, landlord property reviews, and much, much more.
  • Get your agent to list your rental property for FREE.
  • Complete a LANDLORD PROPERTY REVIEW to showcase what you love about your property. Research has shown countless times that products with reviews rent faster and at a higher price.
  • Easily SHARE your property with friends and colleagues. Your tenant may know somebody you know
  • And don't forget to CONNECT and COLLABORATE with other local landlords, your preferred tradesmen and property professionals on our social network.
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